smrriti men rakhana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word smrriti men rakhana usage in english sentences. The examples of smrriti men rakhana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., retain.

It also helps to retain talented people in the organisation.

Struggling to retain its control over India, the British government had to concede many of these demands in the last decades of colonial rule.
Yet Hori and Dhania retain their dignity to the end.
Here, the filament must retain as much of the heat generated as is possible, so that it gets very hot and emits light.
When did you ever afford them a fair opportunity of exhibiting their natural capacity? How then can you accuse them of want of understanding? If, after instruction in knowledge and wisdom, a person cannot comprehend or retain what has been taught him, we may consider him as deficient; but if you do not educate women how can you see them as inferior.
I met Taylor today at lunch in the club where he showed me your paper — I still retain enough interest in astronomy, you know — and he asked for my opinion before sending it to a professional referee.
What do the farmers do with the wheat? They retain a part of the wheat for the family's consumption and sell the surplus wheat.
It grows best in alluvial clayey soil, which can retain water.
In many sedimentary rocks, the layers of deposits retain their characteristics even after lithification.
How would you describe the swelling of piece of wood when placed in water? Plant growth is unique because plants retain the capacity for unlimited growth throughout their life.
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